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Magnetic Conversations
Magnetic Conversations: 12 Strategies to Transform Your Relationships
Module 1: How to Converse Relaxed (5:09)
Exercise: 60-second Relaxation to Enhance Your Conversations
Module 2: Staying Present While Conversing (5:23)
Exercise: Become Present During an Interview
Module 3: Reflecting on Your Deepest Values (3:37)
Exercise: How to Transform a Difficult Situation
Module 4: Cultivating Inner Silence (3:33)
Exercise: Mindfulness Bell Enhanced Focus
Module 5: Increasing Positivity (4:29)
Exercise: Boost Positivity & Motivation
Module 6: Accessing a Pleasant Memory (2:31)
Exercise: How to Shift your Mind into a Positive State.
Module 7: Observing Nonverbal Cues (2:58)
Exercise: How to Convey an Important Message
Module 8: Expressing Appreciation (3:38)
Exercise: Show Appreciation - Become a Magnetic Conversationalist
Module 9: Speaking Warmly (3:09)
Exercise: How to Gain Another's Trust
Module 10: Speaking Slowly (3:33)
Exercise: How to Increase Mutual Understanding
Module 11: Speaking Briefly (3:10)
Exercise: How to Be an Effective Communicator
Module 12: Listening Deeply (3:23)
Exercise: Become a Better Team Player
Course Summary and Recap (10:21)
Module 12: Listening Deeply
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